
Monday, July 1, 2013

Cell Phone Technology

The world of technology just boggles the mind. The i-phone started it all. It was no time after it came out that many different applications came out. While some applications were just stupid things to busy the mind, many have been helpful.
Some people have actually done some good things with these apps. There is an app where you can put a copy of the entire Bible on your cellphone. Just imagine carrying around a bible with you during the day, and being able to read and study in some of your down time. You know, this just might work for those people too embarrased to carry an actual bible into the workplace or school.
There are some apps which let people know it is time to pray. Wouldn't it be nice if every now and then there is a beep on our phone, and we remember to pray? Some people have no problems praying, even in public. But some need to be reminded.
What if we treated our Bibles like our cellphones?
Just imagine keeping it in your possession all day long. Just imagine reading and thinking about your bible like the time you spend on your cellphone. Can you imagine turning around to go back for your bible? You would do it for your cellphone.
Can you imagine that all the important information you need in your life is found in your Bible? Well most people turn to their cellphone for the most importing things in their life. Of course, you see the frustration when a battery goes dead, and you have to reprogram your cellphone and re-enter all the numbers. The good thing about the Bible is that it does not change and does not need upgrades or newer models. The word of God abides forever.
And do you ever think that the cellphone makers came up with text messages? Isn't that what our Bibles do? Yes, there are plenty of text messages found in our Bibles.
Now that we have this technology, we wonder how we ever lived without it. And could you now get along without it? Well we should treat our Bibles the same way, knowing that we cannot live without the message and words of God's holy text.
We keep our cellphones because we need them in case of an emergency. Weren't there emergencies before cell phones came along? Yes there were. Why can't we keep the Bible around for an emergency? Who knows, one might be struck with the need to give an answer to anyone who asks concerning our faith. We'd sure need a bible then.
There are other things we could consider in comparing our cellphones with our Bibles. The truth is that while cellphones have great benefits, our Bibles are still the most important and best thing we have. 

By Carey Scott 3/1/2011

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