
Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ten Commandments

THE LAW OF MOSES by Bro. Eaton
Many today are confused about the “Law of Moses” or “The Ten Commandments”. Many think that we must adhere to the Ten Commandments as the very basis of ones faith. We need to examine the facts with an open mind allowing God’s word to speak to our hearts.
We begin with the premise that the “Law” and the “Covenant” are the same thing. One will read of the giving of the “Law” in the Old Testament book of Exodus 20:1-17.  After the tablets which were written by the hand of God were destroyed, we read that Moses wrote the words of the “Covenant” and the “Commandments” on tablets of stone. (Exodus 34:27-28) Those “10 Commandments” are called the “Covenant of God” as recorded in Deuteronomy 4:13. The tables of stone are called the “Tables of the Covenant” in Deuteronomy 9:9-11.
Jeremiah wrote of a new covenant with the house of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-34) which was written on the inward parts and on the heart. Gentiles (all non-Jewish) were without hope being “Strangers” to the “Old Covenant” (Ephesians 2:11-13). To conclude, everyone who was not born into the family as a descendant of Abraham (an Israeli) was a Gentile and not bound to the “Covenant of God” which included all the provisions for worship and life (including the two tablets known as the “Ten Commandments”). You and I would not have been bound to the “Covenant of God” unless we were Jewish! So where do we go from here?
Christ Abolishes the “Law of Commandments.” (Ephesians 2:15) His blood blotted out the “Handwriting of Ordinances” which was against the Gentile. That blotting out included the “Ten Commandments” which were part of the “Covenant of Ordinances.” The “Law of Moses” or “The Covenant” was removed and made no longer binding on anyone. It was removed because it was not perfect as recorded in Hebrews 8:6-13. Under the “Old Covenant” there was a veil between God and man. Only once a year was the high priest allowed into the “Holy of Holies” behind the veil. Only he was allowed in. No other worshipper could enter or they would have been struck dead by the hand of God. Not only that, but, only those of the priesthood could enter the “Holy Place.” The common Jew could only worship afar.  When Christ died on the cross that veil was ripped from top to bottom. There now was nothing separating man from His God. The “Old Covenant” the “Old Testament” was nailed to the cross. It was made void when Christ issued a “New Covenant” a “New Testament” to rule all worshippers.
Please read on and let me explain it in simple words. Most everyone has a will written for the benefit of their family which lists the wishes of the writer. That will or as it is called the “Last Will and Testament” of the deceased. It is in effect from the time it is written until the death of the testator. Some way down the road the will needs to be changed. When a new will is written the old one becomes null and void. The new will takes effect and remains effective until the death of the testator or it is rewritten. You can no longer use the old will at the death of the testator. The only one that is in force is the “Last Will and Testament.” You cannot use the old one, nor any part of it no matter how much you might want to. That was not the will that showed the wishes of the testator. So we conclude that our loved ones must honor the last will as it is probated. This is simple to understand. BUT WAIT!!!! Am I saying we don’t have to keep the Ten Commandments? To make is simple…YES. But do not close your mind yet. Let me continue to explore God’s word concerning the principles God gave us in those Ten Commandments. God is the same today as He was yesterday in all of His principles. He has simply through the death of His Son issued in a perfect “Last Will or Testament” which allows man to go directly before His throne without a priest or an high priest. Christ became our High Priest to intercede for us before His Father. So where do we go now to find the principles of the Ten Commandments. Allow me to paraphrase.
NO OTHER GOD         Old Law Ex. 20:30       New Law Acts 14:15; 1 Cor. 8:5-6
NO IDOLATRY             Old Law Ex. 20:4-5      New Law 1 Jn. 5:21; 1 Cor. 8:4
                                    Old Law Ex. 20:7         New Law Jm. 5:12; Mt. 12:36-37
                                    Old Law Ex. 20:8         New Law  *Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2
                                    Old Law Ex. 20:12       New Law Eph. 6:1
DO NOT KILL               Old Law Ex. 20:13       New Law 1 Pt. 4:15
                                    Old Law Ex. 20:14       New Law 1 Cor. 6:9-10
DO NOT STEAL           Old Law Ex. 20:15       New Law Eph. 4:28
                                    Old Law Ex. 20:16       New Law Col. 3:9; Rev. 21:8
DO NOT COVET          Old Law Ex. 20:17       New Law 1 Cor. 6:10; Eph. 5:3
*The day of worship in the New Testament is the “Lord’s Day” or Sunday the first day of the week

The conclusion: We live under the perfect Law of Christ, His Last Will and Testament. We have nothing separating us from God (the veil). The blood of Christ brings forgiveness today, not the blood of bulls and goats which is required under the “Old Law.”  If you keep the “Old Law” you must keep it in it’s entirety including the animal sacrifices. But, no one can do that because that requires a priesthood which can trace it’s linage to Aaron the Hi-priest of that law. That means that no one can worship under the Old Law today. All they can do is to go through cafeteria style and pick what appeals to then which will always include the Ten Commandments.  The New Testament will be the book of judgment for all who have lived after Christ died on the cross. That includes all mankind. Christ and the New Testament writers have presented the same basic principles as listed in the Ten Commandments. The only way to heaven is through Christ by obedience to his will (New Testament). Please don’t try to resurrect the old. Accept the Will of Christ. On the judgment day we will stand before God and be judged by the things written therein. May God bless you in this brief study. Please feel free to leave my any comment along with a contact so we can be of further help to you.

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