
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What does the bible say about abortion

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knew us before He formed us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as the penalty for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb as just as much of a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).
The first argument that always arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about cases of rape and/or incest?” As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, does that make the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given up for adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own – or the child could be raised by its mother. Again, the baby should not be punished for the evil acts of its father.
The second argument that usually arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about when the life of the mother is at risk?” Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer on the issue of abortion. First, let’s remember that this situation is the reason behind less than one-tenth of one percent of the abortions done in the world today. Far more women have an abortion because they do not want to “ruin their body” than women who have an abortion to save their own lives. Second, let’s remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and a child despite all the medical odds being against it. Ultimately, though, this question can only be decided between a husband, wife, and God. Any couple facing this extremely difficult situation should pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) as to what He would have them to do.
In 99% of the abortions performed in the world today, the reason is “retroactive birth control.” A woman and/or her partner decide they do not want the baby they have conceived. So, they decide to end the life of their child instead of dealing with the responsibility. This is an utmost evil. Even in the more difficult 1% of instances, abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow a full-term birthing process.
For those who have had an abortion – the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, any and all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, or a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one – all can be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.   by Dave Hart

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Written by  John Waddey

For the last twelve years I have made it a priority to read the books, blogs and published statements of those preachers and congregations involved in the change movement. I have also had correspondence with several Christians who have experienced the take-over of congregations where they worshiped. From that accumulated information I have found a common pattern in the way change agents proceed in imposing their unscriptural agenda on unsuspecting congregations. I share this with my readers so they can be prepared if a false teacher surfaces in the congregation where they worship. The format I have chosen is to present this material as the kind of wicked advice a young progressive preacher might receive from a man who has succeeded in capturing a congregation. 

I. Don't preach or say anything about the sinfulness or the lack of biblical authority for using instrumental music in worship. Don't mention the danger of adding to God's divine instruction (Rev. 22:18-19).
II. In your preaching and conversation, avoid saying anything positive about our a cappella praise. Keep in mind that ignorance of God's Word is an absolute essential in convincing a congregation to adopt instrumental praise (Hos. 4:6).
III. Remove from display any tracts or other literature that might advocate a cappella praise or condemn the use of instrumental music in worship. Be sure to purge your church library of anything that might go against your plan.
IV. Gradually and occasionally, the preacher and other progressive leaders should poke fun at and make derogatory statements about those who insist on a cappella praise in worship. This will marginalize them in the minds of others.
V. Slowly and subtly begin to speak of our a cappella "tradition." (It matters not that brethren have always offered a biblical basis for their vocal praise). This is to quietly and imperceptibly condition your people to think the whole matter is nothing more than a human tradition.
VI. Make frequent, positive references to "our brethren in the Christian Churches and Disciples of Christ." Bemoan our divided state, implying it is our duty to resolve the division we caused.
VII. Repeat often that unity among churches is the most important thing in Christianity and that doctrine is the most divisive. Therefore we ought to seek unity with the wonderful people of the Christian Church and Disciples who are so like us. We should cease to emphasize the importance of correct doctrine. People tend to disagree about doctrine.
VIII. Arrange to have a pulpit exchange with a conservative preacher from a Christian Church. (Be sure not to invite a liberal). Emphasize to your flock how much alike we are; our only difference being instrumental music in worship (Don't make mention of the many other differences since that would confuse your people).
IX. Immediately build on your pulpit exchange. You might want to display some of their literature. Talk about the sweet, irenic spirit of the "instrumental brethren." In contrast point out that many of our conservative preachers are so narrow and controversial. They are an embarrassment to progressive folks like us.
X. Present a series of sermons or classes on the History of our Restoration Movement. In these lessons you will need to revise our historical record to make your case. Paint the early restorers as broad-minded, ecumenical types, willing to fellowship other denominations. Stress that they were more interested in unity than in doctrine. You can say they did not have instruments because they were poor frontier settlers. If you search long and hard you can likely find a few exceptions that were progressives and then present them as representative of the whole of those brethren.
XI. Describe the conservative brethren of the 19th century as unlearned, legalistic, narrow and factious for picking at insignificant things such as instrumental music.
XII. Whatever you do, do not mention the fact that it was approximately 1,000 years from the founding of the church before instrumental music was accepted. Also it is best no to inform your flock that L. L. Pinkerton was the preacher of our Restoration Movement who advocated and led the way in promoting the use of instrumental music. In 1859, his congregation in Midway, Kentucky was one of the first to use an instrument. It had serious internal trouble in so doing. Such information might confuse your brethren! Also you should not mention that during the Protestant Reformation the Calvinists (Presbyterians and Reformed Churches), early Baptists and Methodists worshiped without instruments as do most of the Greek Orthodox churches to this day.
XIII. The progressive minister must expect to spend to spend several months indoctrinating and grooming his elders, deacons and staff members if he expects them to go along with his plans to have instrumental music. He must be prepared to lead the sessions in order to make sure all are brought on board or else eased out of their position. To be successful he must be able to present a united front.
XIII. When the time is right, he should have one of the thoroughly committed elders announce to the congregation a statement similar to this, "After months of prayer and serious bible study the elders have decided the Bible says nothing about how we are to praise God. They are now persuaded that our insistence on a cappella praise is nothing more than our tradition." It is essential that the elders and preacher state repeatedly that they love our a cappella tradition. They respect all who feel they must hold to the tradition. Out of love and consideration for their conviction (do not say mistaken or misguided), they will not allow instruments in the Sunday morning service. But in the evening services and youth meetings they will allow the use of instruments. (Of course this promise is really conditional and temporary. When sufficient members have been convinced and the opposition weakened, the shift will be completed).
XIV. The previous approach is vital if you are going to keep your older, more conservative members who are the financial base of the congregation. If they should leave the hired staff would be in jeopardy!
XV. At this point you need to organize your band for worship. Young people with musical talent will be eager to participate. They love the opportunity to perform before an audience and many of them enjoy breaking old traditions.
XVI. In your first service as an instrumental congregation it is essential that you publicly state that you are not leaving the brotherhood and fellowship of Churches of Christ, that this is only a minor adjustment to help you keep your young people and win the lost. (Many of your members will not be prepared to abandon the brotherhood of which they have long been part). (Politicians have demonstrated that you can win nearly concession if you say it is for the children.)
XVII. When you have your first service, you should contact your local news media and use them to give your landmark
changes a splashy lift off. Most media representatives have zero understanding about New Testament Christianity. They will believe whatever you tell them. Also many of them, being worldlings, despise the Church of Christ and will be glad to feature your defection.
XVIII. With the launch of your new worship, you need to let it be known that all members are expected to go along with the elders' decision or leave. Those who mount any resistance must immediately be summoned before the elders and sternly warned to cease and desist or else. If they ignore the warning, they should be quickly dis-fellowshiped as troubled makers. This will destroy any influence they may once have enjoyed and be a sharp warning to any who are like-minded. XIX. You must be prepared for the fact that you will lose some neanderthalic members who still believe that bible things must be done in the bible way.

DISCLAIMER. The writer of this articles does not endorse this approach. It is a prime example of the "Satan's devices" (II Cor. 2:11). It reminds us that false teachers present themselves as angels of light (II Cor. 11:13-14). I have written this hoping that those being subjected to this manipulative conditioning will recognize it and reject it. It is dishonest, deceptive and destructive.

I appeal to every brother and sister among us, let no man deceive you (Eph. 5:6). Inform yourself. Stand up for Jesus. Fight the good fight of the faith (I Tim. 6:12) and resist the devil (James 4:7). Refuse to partake in the evil works of others (II John 11). Remember, only those who are faithful to Christ till death will receive the crown of life (Rev. 2:10). John Waddey

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Have you heard of COMMON CORE in our schools


It is the most dangerous program affecting the future of our children as well as the future of the United States. Common Core is a special interest takeover of education that replaces local control with national standards, treating every child as though they are the same and learn the same. These standards affect every school in the nation by allowing big business and bureaucrats into the classroom. The standards established through Common Core fail to account for innovation or critical thinking. Education should be about rewarding excellence and treating children like the unique individuals they are—not a race to mediocrity and commonality. Even those who are not enrolled into local public schools will be affected. Those homeschooling MUST teach the same curriculum and all students must pass the same federal tests or the student will not be accepted into any college.
We need to stop Common Core and put education back in the hands of students, parents, and local communities.


Common Core means just 15 minutes of science OR social studies per day.
Common Core mandates that a majority of students’ time is dedicated to math and English while leaving little time for science, art, music, and physical education. In some states, like Utah, Common Core means just 15 minutes of science or social studies per day.1 The program is limiting those subjects which allow children to develop their creative energy.2 This is another failing of the “one-size-fits-all” Common Core model that assumes every student learns at the same pace. America’s students are already falling behind their counterparts around the world. The country doesn’t need federal bureaucrats and special interests dictating curriculum—especially lesson plans that undermine the importance of science.3

Common Core curriculum is being written by outside special interests.
Common Core was created without public notice and is being imposed on schools with little input from parents. The curriculum is being written by outside special interests with no consultation of local teacher groups.1 In short, Progressives want to fundamentally transform our education system in the dark. This is outrageous; parents should be involved at every step of their child’s education. Washington wants to subvert this relationship to the benefit of crony interests who do not have the child’s best interest at heart.

Common Core means a database of information about each student.
Progressives in Washington want to use Common Core to collect information on every student in order to create a national information database.1 This will set the foundation for mandatory early childhood education—a goal President Obama and his allies have embraced. Americans don’t need Big Brother keeping tabs on their children.2 It undermines privacy and the rights of parents. Data will include not only medical records for the student, but will include records for the parents. Additionally there will be a record of the parent’s ages, religion, political affiliation, wages and listing of all social media accounts.

Teacher Pay is tied to student test scores.
Common Core mandates standardized testing across the nation. Instead of spending time developing the individual talents of each child, teachers will establish a “one size fits all” curriculum for students.1 Our best educators are already leaving the field while the worst remain. Common Core will only exacerbate the deterioration of our schools. When education is geared toward standardized testing, students get a raw deal.2

Common Core fails against International Standards.
American students are falling behind in math and science when compared to children in other countries.1 This is national epidemic. Instead of reforming the education system to give parents and student more of a choice in schooling, Common Core does the exact opposite. Instead of teaching children to compete in the 21st century economy, Washington is imposing a “one size fits all” that dumbs down math and science. Our education system is falling behind the rest of the world.2 America used to be known as the country where the best and brightest were raised. With Common Core, we are settling for mediocrity.

Students choose only one elective to take for 30 minutes per week.
Under Common Core, teachers are mandated to uphold a strict classroom schedule.1 That means moving ahead on topics even when some students are still struggling to grasp key concepts.2 Common Core allows no wiggle room when it comes to the education of our children. Under the new federal standards, electives such as art and music classes are given less focus. Worst of all, teachers will be monitored to make sure they follow the new curriculum, with no flexibility. This includes homeschooling teachers.


Find out the extent to which Common Core has been implemented in
your state AND how much it’s costing you.
Common Core isn’t cheap – and the grants don’t last forever. How much is it costing your state? The more educated YOU are, the more powerful your argument against Common Core will be.

Find out how administrators and teachers feel about Common Core.
Administrators and teachers are some of the BEST advocates against Common Core once they understand what it is. Find out how they feel and start providing them avenues to speak out, whether it’s with legislators, the media, the school board, social media, or other channels.

Find out if THEY know about Common Core.
School boards have a scheduled time for members of the community to speak out on issues of importance. Use this time to state your opposition to Common Core and its implementation locally. Let them know that you are monitoring local curriculum and performance and will be working to remove it from your schools.

Your elected officials are the only ones that can remove Common Core from your state.
Many of them are completely unaware of the dangers of Common Core – reach out and educate them. Hold a luncheon, visit their offices, and find out who your strongest allies are. Make sure to get to know everyone on your budget and education committees as they will have to do a lot of the work to make the changes.

Share what you learn!
Tell your neighbors, friends, family members. Post information on social media. Many people STILL don’t know what Common Core is and how it’s impacting their community.

To learn more and keep informed go to the link below:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Simple Bible Study

By Harold E Eaton, Jr.

Questions to ask your self prior to our study:
Make sure to write down the answers to use later
  • Have you ever made a commitment to Christ?  If so how old were you?
  • Did you make a confession at the time of your commitment? What did you confess?
  • Have you ever been baptized? How were you baptized?
  • How long after your commitment were you baptized?
  • For what purpose were you baptized?
  • Were you saved before or after your baptism?


                 (please read the scriptures carefully)

GOD demands obedience in the old covenant! 
1. ADAM (Genesis 3:1-14) Notice the slight twist Satan put to God’s word – he added “NOT
2. NOAH (Genesis 6:14-22) Blueprint for the ark (6:22 & 7:5) Noah did “ALL” (7:16) – God closed the door to the ark.
3. NADAB & ABIHU (Lev. 10:1-7) Offered “strange fire” which God commanded them “not” – They both died!
4. SAUL (1 Samuel 15:12-23) Note – I have performed the commandment of the Lord – vs. 13 & 20  vs. 22 – To obey is better than sacrifice and to harken than to fat of rams – vs. 23 – Rebellion = witchcraft   Stubbornness = idolatry (putting one’s own will before God’s will.
5. UZZAH (2 Samuel 6:6) “Seemingly good act” yet was disobedience to God
6. NAAMAN (2 Kings 5:1-15) vs. 11 “Behold I thought” but he was wrong   Could he be healed after dipping 6 times in the right river?  But he believed.


 GOD demands obedience in the new covenant!

1.    (JOHN 14:6) If you love me you will keep my commandments (see also John 14:15)
2.    (1 PETER 4:17-18) What will the end of them be that obey not the gospel?
3.    (2 THES. 1:8-9) Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel
4.    (MATTHEW 28:20) One must keep all the law!


1.    (MALACHI 3:6) For I am the Lord, I change not!
2.    (PSALMS 119:160) The sum of thy word is truth


1.    (Ezekiel 18:20) Sin is NOT inherited
2.    (MATTHEW 18:1-4) Children are innocent!
3.    (JAMES 4:17) To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin
4.    (ROMANS 3:23) ALL have sinned
5.    (ROMANS 6:23) The wages of sin is death (separation from God)
6.    (ISAIAH 59:1-2) Your iniquities have separated between you and your God
7.    (JOHN 8:21) Die in your sins, wheither I go, ye cannot come

How does one remove sin in his or her life thus being reunited with God?

Let’s study the conversion of Saul (in the book of Acts to seek the answer to our question


(Four basic steps)

                                       ON THE WAY
ACTS 23:1 Did all in good
Conscience including killing
ACTS 22:3 He was Zealous
ACTS 26:9 He thought he could and should
Do more

          ACTS 9:6
          ACTS 22:10

                     PRAYING FOR THREE DAYS
                         ACTS 9:11

                                                           IS BAPTISED FOR

           ACTS 9:18 At what point
           Did Saul receive forgiveness ?
           ACTS 22:16
           1 PETER 3:21

(Four basic steps)
See how it compares to Saul’s.

Use notes you prepared prior to our study

If your conversion doesn’t compare to Saul’s as God intended then you may need to do it God’s way. Please see additional material below of all the cases of conversion to God for the forgiveness of sin.  Even a good conscience can be wrong. Praying is a start but as we have seen is not enough. One cannot add to God’s will nor take away from it as we have seen. Rebellion is equal to witchcraft, Stubbornness is just the same as idolatry to God. Seemingly good acts are not enough – it must be according to God’s will. I THOUGHT just won’t do. It must be God’s will not ours. If you need assistance please call us at the number listed below.

Biblical cases of conversions (from the book of Acts)


Chapter 2






Ch 8 & 22
Ch. 10





Ch 16:14f
Ch 16:30ff
Ch. 18:8





Ch. 19:1-5



Note! In all case of conversion listed above the results are the same – all obeyed God’s plan and were baptized for the forgiveness of their sins.

God’s Plan of Salvation

·        STEP 1 HEARING - Romans 10:14; James 1:22-25
·        STEP 2 BELIVE - John 3:16; 8:21,24
·        STEP 3 REPENT – Luke 13:3; Eph 2:8
·        STEP 4 CONFESSION Matt 10:32-33; Mark 2:17; Lk. 5:32; 24:47
·        STEP 5 BAPTISM – Acts 9:1-18; 22:16; 237-38; Mk. 16:16; Eph 4:4-5; Rm. 6:3-8; 6:1-9 (a burial)
·        STEP 6 ADDED TO THE SAVED Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor.12:13, 27; Acts 2:47; Rom. 6:3
·        STEP 7 BEGINS A NEW LIFE – Rm. 6:4; Eph 4:22-24; Cols. 3:10
·        STEP 9 HEAVEN AS OUR REWARD – Rm. 6:23


A man is drowning. A means of his salvation is extended to him in way of a life preserver. Faith aone can’t save him. His being saved requires a response from him. If no response he will be lost. ALMOST BUT LOST. He just didn’t reach for the preserver.

I give you a check for $1,000,000. There is money in the bank to cover it. But, It is worthless unless you do your part. The check is free, you have done nothing to deserve it, you did nothing to earn it. It is a free gift.  Will you earn it by endorsing it on the back? Or by driving to the local bank to cash it? NO IT’S STILL A FREE GIFT!!! You simply have to do what is required to receive your free gift of $1,000,000. That is exactly what baptism is – responding in faith to God’s way of receiving His free gift of salvation. Read all the cases above once more and you will conclude the same thing.

Do not trust in your own heart thinking your ok with God for the scripture says such a one is a fool (Proverbs 28:26)

Remember salvation is by education not by feeling (2 Timothy 3:15)

Last may I add that God will send strong delusions for all those who will not accept His will. (2Thess. 2:11) Yes, God will allow one to believe a lie. He will not force His will upon anyone.

Thank you for your study from God’s word.

Bro. Eaton