
Saturday, September 3, 2011

How Old Is The Earth?

Explain why the Earth appears to be so very old?
This is the doctrine of apparent age.
How old was Adam 2 seconds after God created him? (2 seconds literally) How old does he appeared to be?  Old enough to reproduce a full grown mature adult, not an infant.  The same is true of Eve. The same is true of plants and animals.
At the completion of creation God said “it was very good”, the best that it could be, complete, mature.”
First Corinthians 14 states that God is the God of order not disorder so it was with his creation, fully complete, ready to begin God’s work.  This doctrine is very consistent throughout old and new Testaments.
Science measures the age of Earth through evolutionary process. Uniformitarianism states that the present is the key to the past.  Present processes have always gone on in the past as they do today. This rates cannot take into account the apparent age or the global flood.
In the early 60s and island off of Greenland and Iceland there was being formed later called “Surtsey”. The head of the Iceland’s geo logical team after two years of formation set foot on the new Island. Upon arrival he said “If I had not seen it with my own eyes information you could not have convinced me that this island was only two years old”. “It had already begun to sprout trees and older growth. My scientific measurement it showed to be millions of years old when in reality had been formed from volcanic rock in only two years.”     Dr. Andrews
How do creationists deal with dinosaurs?
Scientists tell us they lived some 160-170 million years ago and for some unexplained reason just disappeared. We cannot deny their existence! The question is not did they exist,  but when that they exist? Return to book of Exodus 20 chapter verse 11 “In six days at Jehovah made the earth and the heavens and the seas and all that in them is and on the seventh day he rested.”
If God created all that are on earth and seas and heavens what has God left out? The answer is nothing. All animals were created on days five and six. That is a literal 24 hour periods. Moses said of creation it is finished in Genesis 1 verse 31.
Dinosaurs and man were contemporaries. They walked together on earth. Job 40 verses 15 to 24 God begins questioning Job as to the consideration of the Behemoth that he had made. What  is a behemoth? Is a hippo? No for he had still like a cedar tree. Is an elephant? No for the very same reason. What was it then? It has to be a dinosaur.  Yes
Dr. Hubbard an archaeologists went to Arizona to excavate a canyon not too many years ago. He found the wall drawings of Indians which showed cattle, sheep, dinosaurs, Buffalo, and oxen. He made the following comment: “Taken all in all, the proportions are good. The huge reptile is depicted in that attitude in which men would most likely see it,  reared up on his hind legs balancing on a longtail either feeding or in their fighting position possibly defending itself against the party of men.”
Dr. Ingalls and evolutionist and archaeologist was doing some work in Kentucky and the surrounding states. He found a human like foot prints in coal veins.  Coal is from the Carboniferous Period separated by scientific data some 242 250. million years from man.  He found the same kind of footprints in the mountains of West Virginia, Virginian and the Rocky Mountains. He made the following comments:” The tracks are information is considered to be an upper  Carboniferous (215 million year old) and shows five toes and an arch which is unquestionably human. The tracks are 9 ½ inches long 4 ½ inches broad at the heel. The width of the forwardend of  the track by the toes was 6 inches. The being that left the tracks was biped and walked upright as a human.”  “If man or even his ancestors,  or even the ape ancestors’ early mammal ancestors existed as far back in the Carboniferous Period, in any shape then the whole existence of geology is so completely wrong that all geologists will resign their jobs and take up truck driving. Hence for the present at least science rejects the attractive explanation that man made this mysterious footprints in the mud of the Carboniferous Period.”
This is not good science and it is not objective.
Of Dr. Hubbard’s excavation findings: “Another highly important feature of Dr. Hubbard’s report is the discovery of fossil footprints of both three toed  carnivorous dinosaurs and the Imperial elephants at the same locality. It is as it appears both of these creatures left their footprints in the river sand or mud approximately the same. Then we must assume that the dinosaurs continued to survive for millions of years later than scientists would have us to believe or else that the Imperial elephants appeared on earth millions of years before they were supposed to have arrived. But it seems highly preposterous and entirely contrary to all laws of evolution to assume that these highly developed pachyderms were inhabiting the earth long ages before more primitive types of animals.”  Dr. Veerrill
In June of 1968 Mr. Mister of Utah had a number of trilobytes in his collection. He in a number of friends went to Antelope Springs today for more trilobytes  to add to his collection. Climbing some 200 feet up a ledge – he discovered trilobytes in this cambium strata well over 400 million years old (by scientific dating) embedded in the human footprint. Man and kilobytes coexisting? Yes
Scientific measurements simply are not accurate.
Were then did all the dinosaurs go? Science cannot answer accurately this question. One thing we know for sure God created them,  He also preserve them on the Ark of Noah during the flood. What happened after the flood is only conjecture of theory.
The above article is from a series of lessons on Christian Evidences as taught by Bro. Eaton and are taken from his notes from classes taught by Bert Thompson a renounded scientist and author for the Apologtics Christian Press.